What is Faulk?
to tell an extreme lie, exagerated tale, or saying your going to do one thing and never do it.
to do the opposite as one is told
to make obscene jestures about ones friends
He told a Faulk to his best friend about getting spinners.
We told him to turn left, but he pulled a Faulk and went right
When I turned around he showed me his one finger Faulk. I flick him off back.
Mike Faulk is a politician in East Tennessee with an affirmation for adultery. His last name, Faulk can be used as a verb, noun, or adjective.
It is the East Tennessee version of the "Lewinsky."
"Faulk you you faulking faulker!"
"Man I'm faulked up."
the fuck work....but to the next level. kind of like double fuck....but not as joeyritsma (ghey).
Man you faülk at this game.