What is Fauxmale?
Related to the
It is not uncommon for the fauxmale to mascarade as a lesbian, or at least bring up bisexual curiosities, in order to draw more attention to themselves. The crave the attention that comes with being part of a gender they have a hard time connecting with.
The average fauxmale is an introvert, and most likely has little to no healthy sexual experience. They are prone to depression, may spend great amounts of time in their 'e-world' and develop elaborate and often fantastical backstories for themselves; they may or may not incorporate this fantasy world into real life.
Some fauxmales may seek sexual release via
Can also be applied (In more rare context) to a woman who masquerades as a male.
"The difference between men and women online is that the men tend to have the larger breasts."
"On the internet, men are women, women are japanese, and children are special forces soldiers."
Ken Watanabe: Oh man, bro, there was this total FOX online last night... she looked just like that katie holmes milf on her MSN profile, but she was totally hotter... man, she was into it! On a scale of 1 to
milf she was afox !
Steve Watanabe: Oh man, bro... was her name babyphat4u@yahoo!? HAHA! Man! He's totally a fauxmale! He was exposed last week! That's like cybering with your dormmate, man! Ew!