What is F.b.i?
Female Body Inspector
Bob looks at girls a lot, hes is a female body inspector
Fucking Big Indian: A large man or woman of indiginous roots. Commonly sighted at bingo halls and beer holes, this species can be quite dangerous when approached.
To avoid harm, look directly at the F.B.I., and slowly back away. It has been noted that throwing coins will distract them.
You walk into a bar or a bingo, and what's the first thing you see? That's right, it's an F.B.I. staring you down like you were a word they couldn't understand.
fake booby implants
nuff said
Famous But Ignorant
when the stuipd feds come to you with nothing on you, it proves their famous but ignorant!
fry bread inspector....a damn hard job but someone has to do it!
While at pow-wows, I like to tell people (whites) that I am "with" the FBI....
Federal bureau of investigation: basically people of strong power who like to screw this country over and all the people in it, in coralation with the president (a.k.a. george bush)
"hey look, its some dude from the F.B.I!"
Federal Bureau of Intoxication
This dude works for the FBI, He hooked me up with some Balck and Tans