What is Feak/ Fique/ Feek?
A faggot who leaks information to someone, or snitches on his friends. Also known as a rat, asshole, coo guy, etc. Faggot + Leak = Feak/ Fique/ Feek
Geter Done: Damn did you see that chick today.... wow, shes amazing.
Bwooklin Bowlah & Vio: Yeah she's nice. RDS... 9.5.
Feak/ Fique/ Feek (to hot girl): Umm, those guys over there said you're hot and they gave you a nickname.
Hot Girl's friend: Hey, Vio and B.B., I know what you call my friend hehe (shaking finger at them)
Vio & B.B.: Fuckin feak....