
What is Federallies?


Federallies N Pronounced fed-er-al-lees Use is common when describing aggressive Federal prosecutors, Federal agents in agencies including FBI, CIA, DEA, ATF,IRS. The term highlights the practice of these to exaggerate lie, bend the truth, shade the meaning, compoound and distort meaning of evevents and facts when pursuing what they consider a violator. The main purpose of Federallies is to get a conviction at the expense of truth or reason. Lying Federal officials or witnesses.

The Federallies presented a case strictly constructed of whole cloth.

The facts, as stated by the Federallies, the case was firm against the defendant.

The true facts were ignored or distorted by the Federallies.

The Federallies withheld the facts that would clear the woman.

The Federallies, eager to get a conviction, exaggerated, misquoted, and withheld substantive facts and details.

See lie, exaggerate, Lloyd Winburn


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