
What is Feds?


Rudeboys word for the Police. Even though its slang for the FBI in the U.S.

"Oi, we be'er blurt man! Dere's too many feds 'round 'ere."


(n) Agents for the FEDeral Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Or, loosely, any federal agent(s) or agency, usually law enforcement related.

The feds broke dowm my grandma's door and stole her weedstash!


Slang term for police in England. Who knows why because it came from the FBI (Feds - Federal Bureau of Investigation) who are an AMERICAN law enforcement agency (tool of the government aha), NOT English. used by many 'gangstas' in England who seem to have identity confusion with Americans. Some would call them chavs.

the feds are cumin, breeze

See feds, police, england, pigs, chavs


another slang word for police, it stands for fedarallys another american word for police.

oh shit da feds r cumin !


Slang term for money originally coming from the word Feria which also means money.

Ex 1: Ey you got feds for the 20 sack?

Ex 2: I need feds for the munchies

See feria, money, cash, dough, bucks


Is primarily known to mean Federal agents. Sometimes known as cops. Other times known as anyone that has anything to do with the government. However, another common term for this word is money. Feds=money(in no certain denomination)

1.I robbed a bank last night, and now the feds are after me

2.Dang yo, i wanna go to the stripclub but i aint got no feds

See feds, cash, green, ends, dinero, funds



dem people

nigga haters

dem feds n town son, dont get loose on tha phone

See cops, fbi, narc, snitch


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