What is Fell Out Of The Ugly Tree And Hit Every Branch On The Way Down?


Commonly used phrase referencing the degree to which an individual is considered unattractive. Possibly a regional colloquialism used in the Oklahoma area.

Billy Bob: "Geez! That woman with the balding patte, bulbous nose, black front teeth, and tattoo of 'I Like It Rough,' sure is ugly!"

Billy Roy: "She sure has a flabby gut, and that backside ain't too perty neither!"

Billy Billy: "Boys, that there gal Fell Out Of The Ugly Tree And Hit Every Branch On The Way Down!"

See fugly, unattractive, repulsive, repugnant


(adj.) a term used to describe an immensely ugly person, usually referring to members of the other sex.

The ugly tree being the source of ugly people (to grow on the ugly tree like a fruit etc. is to be of undesirable appearance).

Bob: (points to a female) good lord my dear man, take a gander at yonder female, she is quite hideous I do protest!

Bruce: (in disgust) I must agree old chap, poor lady seems to have fallen out of the ugly tree!

Bob: I would go as far as to say she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!

Bob and Bruce: (both scoff)

See ugly, hideous, disgusting, rank, tree, Joyeuse


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