
What is Feminist?


A woman (or man?) who wants equal rights for both sexes. However, in order to truly achieve EQUAL rights, chivalry (paying the bill, leaving the door open, etc...) must be banished from society as well as all those old archaic rules about women. So, to all you feminists who want equal rights, AND special treatment, I say, pick one or the other damn it.


Some guy: *walks past her, through some door*

Feminist: HEY! you should let women go first! whatever happened to chivalry???


someone who believes the radical notion that women are people.

if you believe that women and men should have equal rights, you are a feminist. there's nothing "extreme" about it.


A real hardcore "feminist" won't settle for equality; she believes she deserves more because she's a woman and she has the ability of bearing children. She also believes she's just as capable as a man would be when facing certain challenges that require strength, such as that of putting hundred-somethin' pounds worth of equipment on her back and going off into the battlefield.

Simply put, a Feminist is a woman who says she wants equality but is really expecting special treatment. (Keep in mind women don't usually say what they mean, they expect you to figure it out by just being given ambiguous clues.)

Note: Feminist women should NOT be mistaken with sane women that ACTUALLY want equality and respect, and simply ask to be looked upon as people and not animals.

Sane Woman: "We were created equal to men, therefore we are also people and should be treated as such... so when you ask something of us, ask it with respect and without violence, just like we would ask you."

Feminist Woman: "We were created equal to men, therefore they should bow to us and shine our shoes with their tongues while we bitch and moan that they are not doing it right."

See feminist, crazy woman, femenist, macho, feminism


A woman who wants all the advantages that men have but none of the responsibilites. Also know as a cow, ho, sucubusand bushpig.

"Feminists are just a bunch of irritating double-standard malcontents."


A person who (1) places ideological belief in the progress of women above truth, justice, equality, fairness, or scientific methodology and (2) often claims to speak on behalf of all women. In short, one who is biased in favor of women and sees himself as a representative of women's interests.

Jane denies that there are biological differences between women and men because if she acknowledged such differences it might disadvantage the feminist movement's continual quest for political power, which she believes would be to the detriment of all women.

See female chauvinism


The actually name of this person is itself sexist. They press for equal rights, yet the call themselves feminists. As if women are the only ones that ever get discriminated against ever.

Men are discriminated against plenty as well.

See oh shit i'm dead


Feminist derives from the latin word femina meaning woman. The word feminist originally had the opposite meaning to how it is used today. From the mid 19th centenary to well into the 20th century the suffragettes (a group of women who lied, murdered and bashed to gain the vote) were opposed by their equally female counterparts the feminists. The feminists believed in the principle that women’s lives are easy. They go to school, find a man to shackle in marriage and then they will never have to work again, at the cost of a few sexual favours; which are just as enjoyable to them. They knew if women could vote they would want to work also. If women entered the workforce then instead of only 50% of the population seeking employment at any one time 100% would be. This over supply of labour would push the wage down and the gap between rich and poor would grow even larger. Once women gained the vote the term laid dormant for almost 50 years.

Until the 1960 when a group of women pushed for greater rights than those of men. Hiding their cause in a vale of un-disagreeable “equality” they seeked a term for their lesbian army. They came across the word feminist and raped its definition of all dignity. Unfortunately the unintelligent women did not realise there is a word that sums up what they are completely. The term in GYNOCRAT. Gyno from the Greek word Woman and Crat from the French meaning advocate or partisan. Gynocrats wish to force men out of parliament and rule with an iron fist.

Feminists will always talk of so called oppression at the hands of men. This argument does not make sense. What do men oppress women to do? Stay home and raise there children. All men were once children. All children were raised by women. Why didn’t the women teach their children equality; stopping the problem at the source. I’m not saying all women are stupid, just the ones that complain. Their oppressors were all raised by women.

Feminists who campaign for so called equal rights forced a certain organisation responsible for reporting road accident statistics to not publicise facts that are negative of women. So for example now everyone knows that you are twice as likely to die in a road accident if you’re a male aged 18-26 then if you are a female of the same age. But what we don’t know is that women are 1.5 times as likely to crash per hour on the road as men are. Or that women are thrice as likely to cause a minor accident then men are.

The stem of gynocracy has cause words to be changed to be come “gender neutral”. The word Chairman has nothing to do with gender. The part “man” comes from the Latin word Manus meaning hand. Not Male. With the first corporations coming of age in Europe in the 18th century for the chairman to have control at a board meeting he must have his hand on the chair. This word contains no genders specificity. Unfortunately the uneducated gynocrats got their hands on the word and bastardised it to chair person. Other strange situations have occurred in the annuals of sexism. Even though there are only two female fire fighters in my (no American) city of 3 million Fire Brigade the entire force must be referred to as firepersons. But when a word is sexist towards men it is ok. Eg. In all of my city’s there are seven male midwives not yet no equal rights loving feminists has called for it to be changed to midspouses or midsignificant-other. Feminists are not equalitarian they are just as sexist as you or I.

Do not play into the gynocratic movement’s hands and refer to them as feminists. They are gynocrats and sexists. There is no such things as reverse sexism only sexism.

Not feminist... gynocrat.


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