
What is Festered-out-city?



a city of festers;

the crowd at a Guns 'N' Roses concert (which is ironic really, considering the term partly emerged from the corruption of their song lyric 'Paradise City');

when too many ex-'Greenpeace' members (expelled for smelliness and total lack of personal hygiene) congregate in one area (well I just couldn't say all Greenpeace- after all, they did

"t-r-y", not stopped, but "tried" to stop whaling- hey what the hell are my donations for then!);

"Whoa man, let's get the F n G outa here, it's a goddamn regular festerville up n in this!" panics Sad,

"Yeah Saddywah, those R.E.M. lovin' tree huggin' ferals over there are making my olfactory senses internally vomit, nuthin' but festered-out-city ", observes Zack.

See fester, crash-out-city, zombify-me


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