
What is Fetus?


Main entree in a delicious buffet.

That fetus was delicious, Joe.


1: a blob of cells which, as it differentiates, forms a parasitic relationship with a host body, often referred to as the 'mother' (the fetus takes nutrients from the mother and returns nothing, thus the term 'parasite'). The parasitism often lasts well after the pregnancy, during which the fetus resides within the body of the mother; in some species the post-birth parasitism lasts 18 years or more. Not to be confused with a human being, which is what a fetus is called only after being pushed through the birth canal of another human being.

2: A good source of stem cells, which are cells that have yet to differentiate into a specific type of cell. For some reason, stem cell research is a very controversial issue.

Note: In some human cultures, especially those with screwed up priorities, feti have more rights than the human women in which they germinate.

Stem cells from a fetus can help the disabled by regenerating into needed cells in damaged parts of their bodies.


An unborn.

Also, the best damn thing to use in ANY joke... EVER.

-What's the difference between a Zombie and a Fetus?

You cant bbq Zombies.

-Whats the difference between a bag of popcorn and a fetus?

Fetuses don't pop in the microwave.

-Why isn't there fetus porn?

Its a fucking crime against humanity... unless it includes pointy objects...

See Ethan


a word that is amusing when paired with the phrase feed us (feed us fetus); as to say that you want to be fed fetus... because rhymes are fun, and fetus is tasty... mmmm, fetus.

Jesus, please us and feed us fetus.


An unwanted friend who feeds off of the company of a care giver. The fetus is usually the outcast of a group of friends. In most cases, one friend feels bad for the fetus, and gives him company and false friendship. This term is called feeding. In turn, the fetus will will contribute nothing back to the care giver(only because the "fetus" is a loser and cannot possibly contribute anything). The care giver will often get fed up with the fetus when he becomes too attached. Many care givers turn to the method of negative feeding. This happens when the care giver decides to use the fetus as a tool to rid of the fetus. Often involves using the fetus for rides, money, food, beer, or even using the fetus as the butt of all jokes for humor. This often turns into an abortion. This is when the fetus becomes so weak and hurt he either cuts the tie or is pushed out by the care giver. The care giver is often referred to as the UC or umbilca cord. This is a seprate matter.

The plural usage for fetus is the term "feti".

"Hey Dan, you really need to get rid of that fetus! He is really weighing you down man!"

"Dude, why are you so nice to that faggot asian kid? Your just using him as a fetus, because you feel bad for him. Just cut the damn cord, and get rid of that kid!"

See tool, toolbag, puppet, noob, loser


A very high protein/low carbohydrate food source.. but also a fun toy... you can kick them and throw them all you want, and just like with any toy, when you get bored with it.. you just throw it in the garbage.

"I was very hungry today so I went to the hospital and stole a fetus, but before I ate it I made sure it suffered excruciating pain."

See fetus, baby, kid, happy, funny


A grotesque looking stage of life for any mammalian creature.

Damn did you see Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire he looked like a fucked up fetus

See fetus, baby, grotesque, voldemort, ugly


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