
What is Fever?




cool, or impressive.

"Hey Baby. Lookin pretty feva today."

"Dawg that was sooo fever when i made that shot"

"My friend alejandro is quite ill, he has a fever of one hundred and one degrees! it would do him best to stay at home."

"nigga you neeeed to be checkin out this song. It is soo fever."

See cool, dank, shimmy, bibliography, whip


When that one person who is right for you makes you feel great and warm inside.

Your sitting next to each other and the other person reaches out her or his hand to hold yours. Thants FEVER BABY!


Rolling a five in a dice game.

I figured I'd be safe because the only thing that could beat my fever was a six.


five dollars for dope

hey i got a fever man you right? - crackhead

yeah get in the car bitch!- weirdo dealer guy

See feva, abe lincoln


Fever a Hori (look up the word hori) from otara. You might see this guy pushing a big new world trolley of used cans to recycle and get money. This guy also hangs out at the warehouse and steals jandles and sells them at the flea market $5 each.

This guy mostly steals my kfc that i leave on the bench for later, he also stole pdkm's tv and sources curtains out of his house. He also came close to winning the hori of the year award in 2004, maybe he will win it this year.

pdkm: far give my TV back our!


shut up our! i didnt steal ur tv, twilights got it! honest!!!

See hori


When a man's eyes glaze over, and they enter a world dominated by carnal desire. Money becomes no object.

Inevitably they will finish the night with a bottle of wine and a chat.

Sometime booka will ensue, depending on whether it is merely a simple case of fever or chocolate fever.

See angus, angry angus

See chocolate fever, but for no particular creed or colour

See boohog


An unusually large version of a normal sized object, such as those you see when you're having dreams when you are running a high fever.

Wow, those are some fever charms 50-Cent has hanging off his bling.


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