
What is Fewster?


A word used to describe a teacher who is simutaniously:

1. The best teacher ever

2. The worst teacher ever

Only can this be accomplished when the teacher cares so little for their students or for their career that he or she allows their students to do little to no work throughout the entire semester, and still pass with a 70 (minimum). Only after checking a thourough history of the class, and discovering that nobody has EVER failed, can you confidently call the teacher "Fewster."

It is often easy to "float" through their class, also. see: Floating

Devin: "LOL all I did in Fewsters class today was play games"

Matt: "That's nothing, I didn't even go all year and I still passed."

Dave: "well, I think Fewster is a pretty good teacher. My year end project was a level 4+ and all I did was glue some markers to a piece of wood"

Matt "You going to fewsters class today?"

Devin "Of course. If you need me, I'll be in the cafeteria."

"Fewster I'm going for a walk."

Teacher wobbles head in a desperate (or not so desperate) attempt to intimidate a student who is already half way across the school, eating a chocolate bar, while passing with an 85. Fewster accadently disables the students account, cracks a horrible joke, and bumps his mark up to 86 just because he is the best (and worst) teacher ever.

See floated, rofl, lol, joke, jokes


A lude sexual act in which the male cracks horrible jokes while coding in visual basic.

Private Sub cmdLol Fewster_Click()

message box "What did the female mushroom say to the male mushroom after a date; your and fungi! lolZorklZLso!!!?1"

See fewster, sex, act, lude, funny, lol, haha, floating


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