
What is Fex?


Turd. Fex (or faex) is the singular of the Latin word feces (or faeces). Although feces has entered English as a mass noun, fex retains the original meaning of a single, discrete piece of shit.

John said his girlfriend Sarah was a fox, but when I pointed out her lumpy shape, terrible odor, and weight of only 18 ounces, he admitted that she was, in fact, a fex. He cried and cried after we flushed her, and claims to this day that she was the only woman who ever truly understood him.

See turd, feces, shit, crap, poop, stool


When two obese (fat) people engage in sexual activity.

Hey, my huge ass step-mother, just banged the fat ass neighbor.

Wow man, that is genuine fex.

Damn, with you're badoingy ass; lets have some fex.

See sex, fat people, chicken, fat love, sexual


Fucking Excellent.

Dude, that party was fex.

See excellent, boss, best, great, greatest, magnificent, fantastic, awesome, amazing


someone who is extremely sexy, a sexy beast.

Bob: Did you see that hot chick, she was such a fex!

Joe: OMG I know

See carly, hannah, sexy, mcdreamy, mcsteamy


a fex is a sexy beast; a man or woman who is sexy

OMG! Channing Tatum is such a fex!

See sexy, beast, sex, carly


A fight that happens while having sex.

Jeremy and I were totally going at it when I mentioned something I had no idea would start a fex; I didn't realize how mad he was until he lost his boner.

See fight, sex, boner, coitus


Foot Sex. Similar to playing "footsie" but more interactive with sound effects and improvised orgasm sounds.

uh..... let's have some fex.

boom chica wa wa

See feet, sex, foot, toes, fex


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