
What is Fffffffffffffffff?


For when "Fuck" just isn't enough. An expression of pure rage. Basically an extended version of "Fuck", it would be pronounced: "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Janitor: I'm watching The Sixth Sense... this kid sees dead people.

Dr Cox: Bruce Willis is a ghost! He's been dead the whole time! Oops!


Dude (to girlfriend): I love you.

Girlfriend: I'm breaking up with you. I've also been secretly fucking your best friend. I hold an inexplicable grudge against you for being such a nice guy, don't ever talk to me again.


See rage, fuck, /v/, hate, 4chan


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