What is Ffg?
Freshly Fucked Glow
You got the ffg!
and online emotion or a short hand way of saying "farts feel good"
"man i just had the best one ever ffg...txt me l8tr"
Future Fat Girl...
Tell Tale signs are:
1. small waist with a double chin
2. child bearing hips
3. thick ankles or cankles
4. flabby under arms
5. often says "I can eat what I want and never gain weight"
6. never loses her "baby fat"
7. describes herself as thick at 10 yrs old
8. has double D tits before she gets her first period
9. She has a fat mom
10. Jello booty
Cindy looks good now but she is a FFG...in 2 yrs her ass'll inflate like a life raft.
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When you repeatedly take your penis and put it between a girls boobs. After you do that you give them a cum shot all over there boobs.
Something or someone that is weirder than weird, stranger than strange, etc.
"putting in 4 gfx cards to have triple monitor setup ..