What is Fgr?
Fat Girl
That girl's got some tig ol' bitties, but it's just FGR.
1) Face and Gesture Recognition
2) Finger
3) First General Release
4) FastGamerr
5) Flue Gas Recirculation
6) Focus Group Representative
7) Frequently Given Responses
1) The 7th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition is scheduled for spring 2006 in Southampton, UK
2) Check your hand.
3) Toll of the Sea debuts as the first general release film to use two-tone
4) Your ass is not so pretty as you think.
5) One of the many ways to reduce NOx emissions is to use flue gas recirculation.
6) Written bylaws, including names of the Focus Group Representative, Conference Planner, and any other officers the focus group deems appropriate.
7) Examples of physical abuse were the most frequently given responses