
What is Fgsfds?


You could either say "figgis-fiddis" or "F-G-S-F-D-S", but however you say it, it is the one word that makes no sense whatsoever at all. It all started when someone on 4chan replied to a post with "fgsfds". Oryan (a 4chan user) soon shopped the phrase into a pic of some old dude (talk show host, probably) and now everyone on /b/ posts it. When somebody confuses you by saying something that makes no sense, simply say "fgsfds".

Dude One: "Isn't the TV donut high in fat kazoo?"

Dude Two: "I thought that all your base are belong to us"

Dude Three: "fgsfds"

Dudes 1 & 2: "What the fuck?"


fgsfds is a random string produced by typing random letters with your left hand on a standard QWERTY keyboard. The reason people use there left hand is they (usually) have a mouse in the right hand.

cutebunny442: Mmmm I agree

mallchin: fgsfds

cutebunny442: What?

See random, letters, qwerty, left hand, keyboard


For God's Sake, Fuck Dat Shit

"Tags: ..."


"Your name (or pseudonym): ..."


See fgsfds, for, sake, fuck, dat, shit


A randomcharacter stringwhich, through its slyness and intelligence, somehow managed to get past Urban Dictionary's screeners and now has several definitions.

fgsfds. Hey, I just put together some random characters and invented a word! Will Urban Dictionary accept it?

See random, string, smart, sly, stupid, sneaky, dumb


For God Sakes, Fuck Dis Shit



See fuck, this, shit, for, god, acronym, internet


A general keyboard spasm reply similar to typing "asfd" on the keyboard as a filler entry when information is requested. Note: ease of entry on keyboard.

When I registered my hacked software I entered asdf fgsds for the first and last name.


"fuh God's sake, fuck dat shit!"

"I'm so glad we have a right to choose our elected officials; I can't wait until I turn 18 and can vote."


See fgsfds, whatever, puhleeze, huh


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