
What is Fibromyalgia?


A life-sucking, soul-killing disease. You feel sick enough to cancel dinner with your friends, but not sick enough to miss work. Symptoms are similar to the flu: fatigue, body aches, fevers (they come and go) and major brain fog. The symptoms can flair up without warning, which makes planning ahead impossible. No known cures. Pain medication can help, so can yoga, swimming and meditation.

There are several theories as to fibromyalgia's cause, including pollution, aspertame, sick buildings and more. There are several snake-oil "cures" out there; it pays to be cautious.

Last year I was going to the gym five days a week, working all day, attending graduate school at night and taking care of my husband and house. Today I count myself blessed if I can make it through work without a pain pill--all because of fibromyalgia, a disease most people don't believe exists (such as in the prior entry here).

See brain fog, fatigue, disease


Fibromyalgia is a secret code amongst health care workers meaning "you're a worthless sack of shit, please go away."

You have Fibromyalgia. You're a worhless sack of shit. Please go away.

See bullshit, drug seeker, frequent flyer, emo


Literally: "muscle pain" A diagnosis made in the absence of pathology, i.e. the antithesis of disease. Normally - but not always - presents in older, obese women who are unsuccessful at some aspect of their life - sexual, financial, career. It is a real phenomenon - but it is the somatic expression of depression, not a physical disease. Commonly treated, unfortunatley, by narcotics. Counseling and therapy would be better.

How come your mom's on disability?

She has fibromyalgia, so her best friend is morphine.

See fibro, fatigue, depression, pain


The disease that people claim is assailing the when they are done with working, responsibilities, house cleaning, body cleansing, and any other activity requiring and real exercise or movement of the body.

Dude, your Mom stinks man!

Yeah, she's got fibromyalgia, she's decided not to shower anymore.


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