
What is Fictiophilia?


Attraction to fictional characters. Fangirls most commonly are afflicted with this.

Attraction to ficitonal characters: Harry Potter, Legolas, Eragon, etc.

'I'm a fangirl who has fictiophilia. I like Numair, from the Immortals, by Tamora Peirce.'

See attraction, fiction, character, fangirl, fictiophilia


Attraction to fictional characters.. Most commonly from Harry Potter books. In my humble opinion.

Examples of someone with Fictiophilia:

"I'm going to mother Ron Weasley's children!"

Or even more annoyingly; "OMG! DRACO IS SOOO HAWT!!"

See fan girl, scary, obsessive, possessive, freak


attraction to fictional characters, most commonly from harry potter books.

People nowadays are becoming more fictiophilian and obssesed with fictional characters.....

See harry potter, bookworm


Most commonly afflicting fangirls, it is a condition that involves being irrevocably in love with a fictional character, sometimes involving writing fanfiction and many many pieces of flair.

I suffer from fictiophilia on a daily basis for Draco Malfoy and Edward Cullen!

See fangirl, insanity, fanfiction, twilight, harry potter


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