
What is Fiddlesticks?


Like the other definitions, a mild sweary word, but used as a get-out when you start to say "fuck" somewhere you can't. Often has a bit of a stutter at the start. Very similar to "sugar", in the sense Lucinda Green used it on television when a British horse missed a fence at the Olympic showjumping.

Oh f-f-fiddlesticks!


ah shit


Used to be a swear-word back in the mid 1900s. Now it's replaced by damn, shit, or fuck.

The dog's digging in my garden again! Oh fiddlesticks!



a non-offensive way of saying "Bugger" in the sense of "Oh Bugger" or someone who likes to twirl twigs around between their fingers...

"Oh Fiddleticks" or You fiddlesticker/stickfiddler


Although normally used to replace certain swear words in negative exclamation, this word can also be used as part of a rating system for judging attractiveness of the opposite sex. It's used when the person is extremely attractive, and it's helpful in conversation because no one will know what the heck you're talking about.

Guy 1: That girl is fiddlesticks!

Guy 2: Definitely.

See fine, hot, attractive, fire, pretty


The repositioning and or grabbing one stick and putting it somewhere else, OR A sexual mate preferably female; grabs the penis and shakes it around in a festive manner to help get an erection.

Sally noticed I hadn't been hard in days, so she gave me some fiddlesticks, and I was harder than a diamond in a snowstorm.

See handjob, jack off, jerk off, low five, five finger discount


1) Sticks, or branch-like objects that are left in careless places, just awaiting a small child to pick them up and give them a good fiddling with.

2) A Voilin Bow (pl)

1) "Oh Crikey! Jepetto has found my fiddlesticks!"

2) "All my fiddlesticks are made of cat gut I'm afraid"

See zippy


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