
What is Fig?


"Female Identified Gay" A woman who identifies as a gay man and is not trans. A woman who is a gay man on the inside.

"Oh my God, look at that girl over there. She's such a FIG!"

See fag, fag hag, queen, fabulous, gay


A sweet fruit slightly larger than a grape that grows on trees during the summer time.

Example 1: Figs are great, in modertation.

Example 2: Why are all of the definitions I see here incorrect, not even mentioning that it's a fruit?!

See fruit, sweet, tasty, sugary, good


a nice way to call your boyfriend a fag

"suck my hard cock, you fig"

See fag, queer, homo, figgot, butt pirate


A variation on 'fag', and a popular way to insult one of your male companions who is acting effeminate.

You look like a fig in that t-shirt.

See gay, fag, homosexual, queer


A name for a graduate that still hangs around high school and their high school friends.

It's an abbreviation of "Forgot I Graduated."

What are you doing here FIG, I thought you graduated from this place?

See graduate, unwanted, loser, intruder


Fail In General

dude that skater just figged on Xodia, that new monster halfpipe

See moosed, fail, wow, bail, fall



not the fruit, but an interjection, noun, or verb depending on the way it is said.

a nicer form of the commonly over-used curseword "fuck"

this word evolved due to a couple of strict parental units who will not let their child (me) utter the curse word "fucking"

although "fuck" can also be interpreted as a sexual action or verb, fig is not and has saved me from being misinterpreted many times.


Go fig yourself.

Fig this! I'm leaving.

You're such a fig, Fred.


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