What is Fighting Amphibians?
A derivative form for Battletoads, from the NES. It is a joke for when people ask,"what game/is this from?", which in reply, "Battletoads/Fighting Amphibians/Combat Frogs/etc."
The word's creation came from GaiaOnline, which people has a fondness for games, and always asking questions about obscure games. If not known, it's Battletoads/Fighting Amphibians/Combat Frogs.
The word has gotten popular that the GaiaOnline users has created a website called fightingamphibians
What game is this?
It's Fighting Amphibians LOL!
From what I can tell, Fighting Amphibians looks like a carbon copy of 4chan with a different theme. It’s kind of like how I imagine english would change if you left 10 people in a room for 20 years. Their words would slowly change until it was something that fit more weller. (C WUT I DID THUR?)
Fighting Amphibians: ffs u goddamn nurds i cud bet u up in like 2 secunds im rippd in real lif
Imageboard about /v/ideogames.
Mostly populated by 4chan /v/'ers when said site goes down.
Hey guys lets go on fighting amphibians and talk about the ps3's games oh wait ps3 has no games LOL