What is Figmo?
FIGMO (Fig Mo) Fuck it. I got my orders
Over seas (Japan) close to going back to the Z.I. (Zone of the Interior. Short timer. Attach the yellow ribbon from the neck of a Seagram's VO bottle to your I.D. badge. It told the world. Don't mess with me, I'm short. Don't have time for a long conversation or to smoke a king size cigarette. I'm going home!
A military term meaning "fuck it, got my orders". Used when someone wants you to do something but you are busy doing something else.
Figmo! I can't be bothered with you right now!
Standard Military slang, "Fuck it, got my orders". usually used when you're short on any assignment, or End of Service, (Discharge). Most often, when you get a shit detail, or flak from a Supervisor.
Boss- "Get yer ass out there and police the parade grounds!"
You- (Walking away) FIGMO
This is sanitized: Forget It, I Got My Orders
When I was in the ROK (Osan AB, Korea), when someone got orders to return to "the world," IOW the United States, he wrote FIGMO in black marker on a copy and taped it to his door in the barracks. It was a proclamation that he was getting out of the ROK.
Fuck it. Got my orders.
Used when someone asks you to do something and you are already busy with another task or when someone questions what you're doing.
"Why are you painting that sheep!?"