What is Fignuts?
A derogatory term to describe someone of inferior intelligence, physical appearance, social skills or character. See also Fucker.
Awww, crap! Listen, fignuts, the tour is either in the commissary by now or in the Howling Mad Gift Shop.
Captain Hazel "Hank" Murphy rules.
Listen here Fignuts.
An exclaimation of displeasure, often used by a certain character on Sealab 2021.
I lost my keys, oh fignuts!
A derogatory term that can be used in any situation and on anyone or anything, such as
What's going on, Fignuts?
Fignuts is achieved when a man thoroughly marinates his balls in pickle juice, preferably dill, and then displays his newly pickled balls to his inferior, otherwise known as his girlfriend. He then places his salty balls into the mouth of the inferior (woman), thereby completing the fignuts. This is known in some parts of the midwest as a "Vlasic" or "Uncle Phil's Pickle Factory."
One variation exists where instead of placing the balls into the mouth orifice, the balls are placed into the previously widened anal cavity. This maneuver is known as the "chocolate fignuts" and has been said to exist only in parts of Newfoundland.
"Does it smell like pickles in here?"
"Mah fresh, I was bustin' fignuts like a motherfucker last night."
What Captain Murphi calls everyone
If you're looking for me, you'd better check under the sea, fignuts!
Someone who's testicles resemble figs.
"I spent all day in the pool and now I have fignuts!"