What is Filipino Spaghetti?
Flip'ed out version of spaghetti, with flip ingredients, such as: jufran sauce (pronounced as joop-ran), hot dog slices (hot dogs made with mechanically separated beef, pork, and chicken heheh),oh and the secret ingredient,Catsup- not ketchup. Has to be generic.
example already stated in definition....what more do you want. there's no particular name either, call it what you want it's still gonna be flip spaghetti.
Spaghetti that has RED HOTDOGS in it and is sweeter than italian spaghetti =]
let`s go to Jollibee and get some filipino spaghetti!
Minced Hot Dog covered in ketchup with thin noodles.
Chris D's favorite flip meal! That and an extra value meal at jollibee's (flip fast food found in the slums of SF)