What is Filipino Time?
Filipino Time, which means things get done whenever they get done. Official Timing of The Phillipines.
I set up a party for 6:00. This is interpretted as 7:00 filipino time.
In some cases, filipino hosts deliberately set the time an hour or so earlier, knowing that the guests will arrive an hour or so late. In this case, the poor americans are surprised to see that they're the first ones to arrive and the only ones there for the first hour or so.
means always late ... a filipino culture ... its like always coming late to a meeting ... especially in parties or when friends are going out ... most of the time 1 hour late or even more ... and when you call them they will lie that they are on their way already and almost there ... but the fact is that they are still @ home getting prep up...
Pinay 1: (on the phone) where are you already you're already an hour late?
Pinay 2: (still getting dressed @ home) I'm on my way there i'm near already...
Pinay 1: Ok! make haste!
**Filipino Time**