
What is Fim?


Facebook Instant Messenger. Instant messaging in the social networking website called Facebook. It is commonly used to talk with people you may not want or feel like texting with. It is an informal conversation with others who you may not know very well as well as your good friends. It keeps you up to date with activity of the website which incorporates the facebook world to the user.

FIMing is the act of using FIM. It has become a popular term at San Diego State University where it originated.

Tommy: "I don't have the balls to call a girl so I will go on FIM and hopefully I can break the ice"

Fred: "that might work because you are a bitch"

Tommy: "thanks, but I might get some from it"

See fiming, fim


someone who is a genius and gets straight A's but also has a wicked life and isn't a nerd

wow that girl who got into oxford is such a fim

what he got into medicine, what a fim!

See nisha


Derived from the abbreviation FM, meaning Full Metal, Fim is a capture the flag player in JKA/JK3. Seated among the top North American players, Fim is often associated with the term "emo" due to his tendency to attempt to lower people's expectations of him by convincing them he sucks. Nobody knows why Fim does this with certainty especially considering that it almost never works due to Fim being one of the fastest players of the game. When confronted with this fact, he almost always responds with the same statement declaring that while his speed is substantial, he lacks any form of aim and can only be considered a good offense player at best. This, however, is also untrue as Fim is one of the best Base Defense players, a position that can, at times, require significant ability aiming.

JaXHaX: Fim r u playin?

Fim: yea, but get someone better first...

JaXHaX: wtf you faggot..e or spec..u choose

See jaxhax, hydra, hoodwinker, pro, noob, jka, emo


Very good or impressive

Those sunglasses are so fim!

See stellar, rad, vicious, stylin', wicked


Facebook Instant Messenger. A process where two (or more) persons have an absurd conversation using some other unlucky person's Facebook wall. This process gives the victim hundreds of notifications, a giant-ass conversation on their wall and is a great way to pass the time online. Common procedure includes signing in (ex. iliketitties42 has entered chat), using away messages in response to any other post (auto response from iliketitties42: i am currently taking a shit) and signing off (iliketitties42 has left chat). A great prank to pull on uptight people or people who take their lives too seriously.

John Smith

totally!!! i love that shit. lets do it and film it and put it on this kid's wall. god i love FIMing people

July 19 at 10:03am · Comment · Like Unlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Jane Doe

if you do it again i'll eat it out of your ass?

July 19 at 10:02am · Comment · Like Unlike · See Wall-to-Wall

John Smith

dude i just took the biggest shit everrrrr

July 19 at 10:01am · Comment · Like Unlike · See Wall-to-Wall

Jane Doe

ihavetitties43 has entered chat

July 19 at 10:01am · Comment · Like Unlike · See Wall-to-Wall

John Smith

iliketitties42 has entered chat

July 19 at 10:00am · Comment · Like Unlike · See Wall-to-Wall

See fim, facebook, instant messenger, im, wall, prank


Fist in Mouth Material--FIM, the action of placing your entire fist in your mouth to prevent uncontrollable spasms of laughter.

Girl on the beach: Have you ever smoked mothballs.

Kevin: Not so much

Girl: I like your hair, not that it means anything, you have a gorgeous face, not that it means anything, and you're all like "Feck off" not that it means anything, I mean, not that it means anything...

Reid: FIM!!!

Kevin: places fist in mouth

See Reid


Short for 'fimto' derived from the name of a popular multi-fruit drink called vimto.

fimto, the fruitiest word i know!


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