What is Final Boss?
The last
Usually the most difficult as well, but in some games this is not necessarily the case.
Technically, Sephiroth is the final boss of FF7, but because it's a staged fight many consider Safer Sephiroth to be the final boss.
Ganon at the end of LoZ: OoT was weak.
A Stalfos is harder than him.
Halo didn't need a final boss. An all-out Covenant assault would have done the trick. But nooo, Bungie had to throw in that albino... thing.
The top Halo team in the World, consisting of OGRE 1, OGRE 2, Walshy, and Saiyan. Formerly StK and Team 3D, they have only failed to get 1st place at one Tournament since they started playing. They recently signed a contract with Major League Gaming worth 1,000,000 dollars over 3 years.
Aaaaand, to nobody's suprise, Final Boss wins MLG Anaheim!
1. The last, climactic battle in any video game.
2. The occurrence in which the most difficult class you take is the last one for the day.
"Dude, I can't beat that game, that final boss is ridiculously insane!"
"I really feel like going home, but I have to deal with the final boss first."