
What is Fio?


A young New York Rap artist

-WOW! Bro this song "Wish You Knew" is amazing.

-Who is this?


See fio, fiore, feo, new york, rapper, rap


The acronym for "Figure It Out"

When somebody (aka a pledge) keeps asking you stupid questions about a relatively minor task, you just tell them to "FIO"

See do it, get it done


For information only.

This price list is FIO.

See abbreviation


FIO: Basically means FUCK IT OFF

Say u meet an awful mess, say the word FIO. They won't have a clue.

See fio, mess, ugly


This abbreviaion stands for "fuck it off" and describes a lack of enthusiasm by someone to a given subject.

Question: "Are you going to lesson?"

Answer: "Nah, fio"

another elongated example is

"fuck it right off"

See G


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