
What is Firedog?


The new name for Circuit City's uber 1337 PC installations and repair center. Circuit City's equivalent of Best Buy's n00b squad..

firedog liek toly pwns geek squad n stuff rite

See circuit city, firedog, best buy, pwnage


Circuit City's single brand approach for computer repair/setup/upgrades(on-line, in-home, and in-store), in-home entertainment setup, and car audio/video installation. The proper usage is always with a lowercase f except when used as the first word of a sentence. They are not nearly as well equipped as their main competition Geek Squad, however the company is pushing technicians to become Microsoft Certified in the XP and Vista operating sytems. No hardware certifications are planned (which they desperately need).

They will charge as much as people are willing to put up with, which is apparently a lot. Technicians that know their stuff are bullied into quitting or are flat out fired on bogus charges. This helps keep profits high because less knowledgeable technicians will push every service offered rather than a $30 quick fix.

I was ordered by my District firedog Manager to push in-home service on everything, even though 2 hours includes the trip and broken shit doesn't exactly fly.

Firedog doesn't have any respect for it's technicians, only profits.

Oh noes! Firedog eated my money and didn't fix shit!

See ripoff


Computer repair service; Circuit City's response to the geek squad. Like the geek squad, the firedog team is composed mostly of people who have very little experience working with computers outside of their job. Firedog charges the maximum price for computer repair that customers will withstand. This is quite high because the majority of people lack understanding to the point where they are not confident enough to do whatever computer repair task they require on their own. They have a unique advantage because they are one of the only well known suppliers of computer repair service and their official looking uniforms and limited amount of computer jargon are enough to convince most people that they know what they are doing. This is generally misleading as their business model is based on maximizing point of sale profit at all costs meaning that customer satisfaction is a relatively low priority because the type of customer that their service targets has almost nowhere else to run.

My friend doesn't know shit about computers. He called firedog and got raped $500 to fix a computer that he paid $300 for 5 years ago. They didn't even fix what he wanted them to fix. I've done better computer repair jobs in neat curly brown piles on the lawn.

See firedog, rip off, ripoff, circuit city, best buy


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