What is Fits?
Short for "Counterfeit", term "Fit" is only used for counterfeit money that sells for less than the legal value it resembles. Fits are also known for great quality, but just a bit lower than the actual authentic bill that money is made of. And is used to actually purchase things.
Dude i needa buy me one of em gucci bags for my boo, cost around $250, link me fits to buy 6 of em. I'll pay the producer after i sell em and link one to my boo, seen?
to describe an individualos clothes
Man, that dudes got some tight fits.
This word describes a girl whos only positive attributes are her face and tits. Hence, fits.
Nelly: "Yo man, did you love sanchez?"
Dean: "Naw, man she was just a fits, plus she had man hands."
1. When clothes are the correct size for the wearer.
2. When an object is appropriate for the situation or surroundings.
3. Fat Tits.
1. Hey, this new jacket fits real well!
2. Yeah, that new couch fits perfectly with the rest of your stuff.
3. Damn! She's got some Fits!
A girl (or possibly a guy) who has a large or fat body but small chest (or pecks). Also referred to as Fitzgerald
Reggie: You see Matt's girlfriend?
Taylor: Yeah, she's got some fits on her...I saw her in a one piece
when you look at someone and can tell right away she is a freak in the sack. freak in the sack F.I.T.S.
Damn, that girl is a fits
Needle and syringe...junkie term.
Wher can I get some fits..?