
What is Flak?


ghetto slang for blame

or trouble

im not taking the flak for it


Used in World War II, 'flak' is a German abbreviation for Flugzeugabwehrkanone, or "aircraft defense cannon". 'Flak' was rapidly adopted by the Allies fr obvious reasons.

NOT an abbreviation for "Fliegerabwherekanone".

Flak was quickly adopted by the Allies because in the time it took to say Flugzeugabwehrkanone over the radio, you'd probably already be dead.


Can be used synonymously with "to give someone shit," but in a less profane way. To Nag. Jewish children are often on the receiving end from their mothers.

"The guys gave me flak for my new sweater, they thought it was girly."

See shit, flack, trouble, nag, nudge, Rafool


Anti-air firepower, often seen as black smoke that erupts unexpectedly in midair, although at a certain range (there is a limit as to how far a flak shell can go before exploding in midair, thus allowing a pilot of an aircraft to anticipate flak).

"If you were paradropping, a flak shell will pretty much kill you. If you're lucky, you'll be blinded by the black smoke of the flak. Paradropping is scary in this case, but someone's gotta grow some cojones and do it."


See Dave


verb - to hurt or degrade

See also: Flakkin'

I'll flak you up son!

See flak


Flak is slang for any type of jacket. This can be a hooded or unhooded but it must be a jacket, it does not refer to jumpers.

James:Blud its cold out init

Me:Good observation my friend could you pass me my flak then to conserve my warmth?

James:Wagwan cool yeh safe one wun up here you go

See flak, jacket, coat, flack, hoody, The Ville



See the word fuck.

Go flak your hobar, epicenebawd!


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