
What is Flake?


n. An unreliable person; someone who agrees to do something, but never follows through.

1. John called in sick to work again today. He's such a flake.

2. Mary said she would do the research for our project, but it's been a week and she hasn't done a thing. She's such a flake.

See Gargouille


(verb, oftenly used with "out") - To decide not to go at the last second; To "ditch" or "bail out."

"You said we were gonna go see the movie! Don't change your mind and flake out!"

"Damn, it's been an hour since we were supposed to meet. I bet she just flaked out on me."

See Patrick


n. - someone who is unreliable.

we knew chris wouldn't show up 'cuz he's a flake.


a person, friend, or lover that calls you, texts you, emails you, tells you, that they want to hangout and alas they just sit on their fatass and never meet you or get back to you on the reason of their absence. They are big fuckass' that will only cause you many hours of anger and frustration.

He sent me a text saying:

I am gonna see you tonight right? that is the plan?


yeah, call me later and we will be together fer sure.


and later that night there is well, no meeting, no sex, and NO call.

leaving me to just say:


See fuck, lover, text, call, frustration


A Frequently unreliable person who says that they will do somthing or attend somthing, but never shows. Usually this is done without notice.

"Alex isn't here yet, we need to start playing poker!... I bet he flaked again"

See flake, no show, bail, unreliable


A so called friend who is constantly unreliable and shady. A flake is someone who can think up an excuse for everything but their own existence. The behavior that a flake exhibits is a product of their own desire to manipulate people. A flake will find reasons to ditch a friend whenever that person wants to do something that is not on the flakes agenda. They are insidious beings they do not exhibit this behavior when you first meet them but usually much later down the line. A true flake is not the idiot that they would have you believe.

Bob secretly does not like opera, so he tells his friend to buy the tickets anyways and then does not show up. He calls the friend at the last minute and says he must study for a test. Of course it's the middle of summer vacation though, what a flake.

See flake, flakey, sociopath, unreliable, flake out


Someone who doesn't have the balls to tell you they're busy and can't hang out, but still makes plans to 'chillax' so you go out of your way to 'chill' with said flaker, only to have them flake out on you, and then give you some lame ass no ball excuse instead of just being straight up that they're a flakey flake

Per Wall 'Wanna hang out'

Dumb Girlfriend 'Hehehe OK'

Dumb Girlfriend at meet spot, No Per wall at meeting spot

Per Walls Dumb excuse 'I was skateboarding'

Dumb girlfriend crying on phone to friend 'He is such a flake'

See flake, ditcher, ditched, ditch, flakey


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