
What is Flamingo?


The letter O on fire.

Check it out! A flaming-O!


Flamingos are simply the tools of the U.S. government around the world. C'mon, like there's really such thing as a big bird that ALWAYS stands on one foot?! That so called "foot" is simply a pole for the wires to trail down, ya know, the ones that are connected to the camera in those beady little eyes. They aren't animals. They are machines tracking your movement. Ever hear something strange at night, look out the window and see something pink? That's right. Spy-bird, codenamed "Flamingo" Now I have to go, because the government is probably going to trace me after sending this message.

Kill all the flamingos! The government knows more than you think!

See government, evil, tracker, bird, camera


A sex game in which your partner tries to balance on one foot for as long as she can as you fuck her in the ass

Dude, me and Chrissy played Flamingo last night, she lasted 5 minutes!

See canada, asia, latin, white


Big haired, pink lipped, purple eyeshadow crazy old ladies who occasionally leave their trailers in Florida to visit (other) tourist traps.

"Some Flamingo bought that tacky piece of shit."

See crazy, chic, florida, trailer trash


Let's start with classifing the Giant Flamingo. These half human, half flamingo beasts are all over the place, and you could NEVER know!!! Yet they are incredibly easy to spot. Here are the characteristics of one.

1.) GIANT NOSE! This is the first thing you will come across on.

2.) Black or brown hair that falls nearly eye-level to shoulders Rarely is it past their shoulders.

3.) Extremely tight jeans. These animals naturally have thin legs, but the tightness of their jeans makes them even more thin.

4.) Youth Small t-shirts. Usually are band t-shirts, but can be also a shirt the animal wore when he was younger.

5.) These animals are ALWAYS male. How they reproduce is from female humans. And in every one-in-a-thousands births, two regular humans can produce a Giant Flamingo. Some Giant Flamingos may have regular children with their mates, but that child is at a risk to reproducing another flamingo.

6.) Sometimes these animals like to show off their skillz. This includes skateboarding and BMXing.

7.) These animals are mean and rude. Occasionally, if you get on their good side, they will be nice.

"OH MY GOD!! Becca, look! IT'S A FLAMINGO!"

See flamingo, hot, boy, emo, tight


A creepy pink critter that devours shrimp by the thousands.

Flamingos are not to be trusted.

See flamingo, shrimp, pink, bird, zoo


A sexual position in which the male strategically places a chair in the center of the room for the woman to put her hand on while she is bending over and grabbing an ankle in a quadracept-stretching motion.

"Last night, my girlfriend said she wanted to go for a run so I busted the old flamingo out so she could stretch her left quad."

See ballcuzzi, hudini


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