What is Flatline?
verb: to "kill" someone - literally or figuratively
"if you ever bring up my ex's name around my current
squeeze again.....so help me dude, I WILL flatline you!"
"I heard one of the
perp s got flatlined by the cops at that liquor store robbery last night."
brain dead, stupid , celebrally challenged, Stems from the flat line response of a dead person from ECG machine.
Chris luton is a flatliner
Dead. Refers to a heart monitor.
The gang flatlined that noisy bitch.
1. To be dead, refering to how ECG machines' little green line goes flat when someone is dead.
2. To kill someone, literally or figuartively.
3. To be
4. A game where people choke themselves to get the feeling equivalent to be high. Therefore, legally high. Also known at the Choking Game and
1. "Doc, the patient hass flatlined!"
2. a) The marine flatlined the Iraqi terrorist.
b) "I'll flatline you if you tell my mom I got a 46 on my
math test!"
3. "Did you just figure out that water is wet? Wow Flatline, you're a few fries short of a
Happy Meal .
4. A lot of kids accidently kill themselves trying to get high while playing Flatline
1. dead(from the flat line on the heart monitor of the patient when there is no heart activity, meaning that they have died or their heart has stopped)
2. to die
Don't let him flatline now.
(1) Describing anything that is uneventful, monotonous, boring, very ordinary.
(2) A pointless encounter. The basics of living with nothing more to excite/stimulate the mind and/or body.
A: Yo how was that party you were just at?
B: Dude, it fucking sucked, no beer, no fights, no girls, that party was flatline.
Commonly observed amongst youth in an intensive educational programme, such as the IB. The word flatline is used to indicate someone whose brain has (almost) ceased to function. Characteristic behaviour amongst individuals flatlining involve laughing at anything in sight, at each other, or at things that when viewed in retrospect, aren't funny in the least. Flatlining is believed to be the brains natural way of relieving stress on the body after having to actually think for an extended period of time.
Flatlining, when used in a broader sense, can be used to describe someone who is behaving abnormally, though the reason for which, must always be related to the stress and induced low blood sugar levels created by a day of intense learning and having to listen to lecturers repeat themselves like a group of chimpanzees mundanely bantering on about the global banana economy.
A group of high school graduates flatline on a Friday afternoon, after a double.