
What is Flegged?


Flegged fle-gged adverb

1. Having one's future prospects destroyed by the abysmal performance of one's superiors or leaders

2. To be raped of a victory so rightfully yours by the incompetence / negligence of one's own team-mate or leader

A derivative of the new Parliamentary Leader of the Queensland Liberal Party - Dr Bruce Flegg MP - Member for Moggill. So named for his single-handed destruction of the Queensland Coallition campaign in the Queensland 2006 state election through his complete incompentence, inability to stay on message or stick to the script and repeated gaffes.

"To be flegged"

"I've been flegged!"

See raped, robbed, ruined, fucked, shafted, Destroyed


1. Verb pertaining to the fate of the leader of the Queensland liberal party. 2006. 2. To be completely pwned due to ignorance of a greater majority. 3. To be unable to acheive success due to stupidity and ignorance of people that are completely naive.

"Damn the leader of the queensland liberal party got Flegged in the last election"

"I agree, all those drones out there that cant think for themselves and let the media (run by the labor party) tell them what to think want to get owned in for another 3 years... Smart State? I think not!"

See queensland, politics, shafted, rapage


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