
What is Flirg?


First Lady I'd Rather Gag

"...and don't refer to me as a FLIRG. I Googled what it stands for and I do not like it."

See flirg, flirge, flurg, flurge, flirj, flerg, flerge


Flirg is an acronym that stands for "First Lady I'd rather gag." It could be used to describe an ugly and un-bonable First Lady. Same as "flirj" but more plausible acronym.

Sarah is not just milf but a potential VPILF, but Hillary is totally flirg.

See flirj, flurg, flirge, flurge, milf


Acronym for First Lady Is Really Gay.

Said of former First Lady and current NY Sen.Hillary Clinton, who is widely thought to be same-sex oriented. Widely thought by insecure men, right-wing Republicanloons, and inbred Christian Fundamentalists, that is. (There's considerable overlap between these 3 groups.) As someone who's been married for over three decades to a voraciously heterosexual man, it's a little hard to believe she's gay; especially since these rumors appear to have originated in the deepest recesses of the repressed Republican psyche. Sen. Clinton seems never to dignify these claims with a response.

Less common usage: First Lady Is Really a Guy. Well, she does have more balls than 98% of the American male population. But it takes more than balls to make a man.

This word probably originated on September 20, 2008 on a Saturday Night Liveskit in which Tina Feyportrayed Sarah Palinand Amy Poehler portrayed Hillary Clinton.

Heterosexual Guy: That Sarah Palin might be an unqualified, war-mongering, evolution-denying, snake-handling, tongue-speaking, bible-believing, abstinence-educating, moose-hunting, Russia-seeing, backwoods piece of trailer trash, but I'd do her! What a MILF!

LesbianGirl: I'm waiting for Hillary to divorce Bill. I'm sure she's a FLIRG!

see also: MILF

See sarah, palin, snl, hillary, clinton, alaska, election, presidential, obama, mccain, parody, governor, senator, milf, politicians, lesbians, gay


First Lady Is Really Gay and/or First Lady Is Really a Guy

Hillary Clinton is a FLIRG.

See first, lady, gay, hillary, clinton


First Lady is Really a Guy


First Lady is Really Gay

"Stop calling me a FLIRG. I Googled what it stands for and I do not like it."

Poehler-as-Clinton on SNL

See flirge, snl, hillary clinton


An acronym for "First Lady Is Really Gay" or "First Lady Is Really a Guy". (A reference to Hilary Clinton.)

Made famous by the 9/13/2008 opening skit of Saturday Night Live dialog:

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin: "Don't refer to me as a 'MILF.'"

Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton: "And don't refer

to me as a 'FLIRG'. I Googled what it stands for and I do not like it."

See milf, gay, snl, hillary clinton, sarah palin, flirj


First Lady I'd Rather Goatse

Hillary Clinton is a FLIRG.

See snl, fey, palin, clinton, milf, flurg


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