What is Florida State University?


A kick ass college. FSU is the premier school in the state of Florida. While it has managed to POWN UF and UM in every way, it has also been deemed to have the sexiest female students in the state.FSU students have often been found teabagging the shit out of UF students because they are bitches.

Bro 1: Do you go to Florida State University?

Bro 2: Yes, I do.

Bro 1: Dude, did you see Tim Tebow the other day?

Bro 2: Yeah, I teabagged the shit out of that bitch while some ugly ass UF girls were watching.

See fsu, sexy, hot chicks, owns, uf, um


The greatest institution of higher learning in the state of Florida. Notable achievements include the 1993 and 1999 College Football Championships and two Heisman Trophy winners. Top ranked programs in business, social sciences, & arts and sciences. ALSO known as FSU

What did the FSU grad say to the UF grad? Will the defendant please rise.

See Bill


a public Florida college in Talahassee for rednecks. everyone there is either a dirty hick or "ghetto"

my wife who is also my sister goes to Florida State University with me

See incest, rednecks, trailer trash, hood, ghetto


The elite university in the State of Florida. The oldest historical campus in the State of Florida. Usually sends it's rejects to the University of Florida.

That poor bastard couldn't get accepted to FSU, I guess he has to enroll at UF.


FSU, is a very Prestigious College. The weird part is, F.S.U. means fuck shit up. How would you like it to go to fuck sh...uh, i mean FLorida State University.

John: Where you going to school these days Bob?

Bob: I'm going to Florida State University.

John: FSU?

Bob: Ya.


See fsu, fuck shit up, university, universities


A former all girls school that made the transition to a coed university in order to obtain better nationl status. Their football program is owned by the University of Miami due to the Hurricanes owning FSU almost every time they meet on the field.

"Hey, remember the last time Florida State beat Miami in football?"


"Me either."

See hexum


see Free Shoes University

Florida State University is inferior to the Miami Hurricanes in every way, shape and form. Wake me up sometime in the next 10 years when they DON'T lose 4 or more games a year.

See free, shoes, university, wide right


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