What is Flying Monkey?
A rabid right-wing reactionary, generally characterized by blind allegiance to the Republican party line, and consistant repetition of talking points from Fox News or Conservative radio hosts.
May also be referred to as a
Can usually be found on freerepublic
The flying monkeys hate the
New Deal and will do everything in their power to undermine it.
I minion or one that carers out others biding.
That brown noisier is up to no good, the lousy flying monkey.
A woman's vagina covered entirely by dense pubic hair.
I saw an Indian woman's flying monkey.
The insertion of a partner's penis into the anal cavity resulting in extreme pleasure.
Mike: So she's sucking me off.
Dan: Yeah.
Mike: And out of nowhere, she flying monkey's me.
Dan: Lucky bastard.
Mike: Yeah.