
What is Fmyh?


1]short for: 'Fancy Meeting You Here'

and wonderful instant messenger replacement word for the boring: WB (welcome back)

2]can be used to sarcasticly or cheesily hit on people on an instant messenger list. also quite effective for scaring off newbs in forums, when used in combinating with additional creepy pick-ups

3]one of those instant messenger phrases phrases people make up when they are bored and/or skipping homework.


sammy: one sec. ill brb

chanel: kk

(a little later)

sammy: back

chanel: FMYH

sammy: uhh...yeah...fancy


Newbie_gurl:leik OMG! taht was teh most roxxoing movei evr!

hackerguy_69: FMYH my little sex kitten

Newbie_gurl: eww... I R never comin back to this stupid forum

hackerguy_69: owned your ass newb

hackerguy_69: ... is roxxoring a word? crap, the fbi is here again cause i crashed the pentagons mainframe.

virusmaker42: gawd, again? do you ever use that anti tracing shit i gave you?


zack: my life is boring. so is homework.

chanel: let's add new definitions to *slangdefine* because we have nothing better to do than to trying and start fads that we will never be credited for!

zack: wow awesome idea!


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