
What is Fogal?


To screw over cheat to win. As the Fogal family did to other teams from the NBC reality show, Treasure Hunters.

"Fogal me once, your fault. Fogal me twice, my fault."

See screw, swindle, cheat, bamboozle, con


Aka mclovin a nerdy person turned pimp just like the movie Superbad. Someone that either is or looks like Mclovin from the movie. A name that will get all the chicks. A badass

The names fogal...whats up? Hey fogal take that vest off you look like a latin. You look like a fogal. If your a pimp your name is fogal.

See pimp, mac daddy, mclovin, fagal, baller, badass


To screw over royally. To cheat to win. As the Fogal family did to other teams from the NBC reality show, Treasure Hunters.

"Fogal me once, your fault. Fogal me twice, my fault."

See screw, swindle, cheat, bamboozle, con


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