
What is Foge?


sexually molesting a male or female while screaming "im so drunk"

last night, i was sober, but i totally foged that bitch.

See rape, molest


sexually molesting a male or female while screaming "im so drunk"

last night, i was sober, but i totally foged that bitch.

See rape, molest


Created during the SuperBowl at Spooks house. Based on the 2 second long mp3 saying what sounds like "you fogen rye".

Used to describe a dumbass or someone who just did somthing stupid.

1) Spooks is a foge.

2) You fogen rye.

3) The Rye is the slut...booonnnggg

4) Magoo owns the world.



Def: (n.) 1. A name for a guy who is rather stupid,who leads girls on and is a man whore.

2. Can also be used to describe someone who is getting on your nerves


Created because of an annoying guy named Jared. Hence the name foge became a slur off of the subway guy Jared Fogel.

1. You're such a foge!

2. He is such a foge face!

3. Don't be such a fogger.

See fucker, dumb ass, fuck face, stupid, ass


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