
What is Folks?


A Gangster Nation formed under the 6 point star of David. reps the pitchforks up the cane down the sword down the 3 point crown up the 5 point crown down. we hate Vicci Lous,Bumblebeez, MuMus, slobs, piss stones, and everybody that reps the jive we also hate crips that try to rep the 6 and the pitchfork they are fake as hell. our colors are Black, White, Grey, and Babyblue but not dark blue that is in fact a crip color we dont disrespect until disrespected and real Folks only fight when we have to but we have to alot.

6 in the sky jive gonna die, Folks dont die we multiply!!!!!!6 up


A nation under the 6 point star of David, reps the pitchforks and swords and canes going down. The arch rival of people nation sets. Folks consist of GD, BD, LRZ,MLD, IGD, and others. colors are Black, White, Grey, and Baby Blue, not to be confused with dark blue which crips wear.

how can someone hurt my folks when they are close to me?


Dem real niggaz from the hood that claim GD and stay tru to their shit

Ay I'm bout to go get folks to handle these niggaz I'm beefing with around tha corner


an alliance of many gangs. they are aligned against the people gang alliance. they rep the pitchfork and the 6 point star and usually wear black, white and sometimes blue.

Folks ride people die.

Are you down with the Folks?

Gangster Disciples claim Folks.


a greeting of a friend or some one ur cool with

ay whatup folks

See ashley


Relatives. Can refer to just parents or entire immediate family; sometimes even to extended family. Most commonly heard in the Southern and Midwestern heartland of the U.S.

So are your folks coming over for Easter, or are you gonna go visit them?

See family, relatives, kinfolk, peeps


p. noun: People, not necessarily related, to whom you are close.

"I didn't know you and T-Roy were folks."

"The Bwoys? They're my folks since back in the day."


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