Food Coop

What is Food Coop?


The Food Coop (co-op) is a food store in Park Slope, Brooklyn, that white yuppy parents, vegans, and lesbians shop at. The Food Coop sells the most organic foods you will probably ever come upon--but there is a catch. In order to shop at the Food Coop, you must become a member (complete with member ID cards). You must also work at the Food Coop (i.e. behind the register, stocking, child care, etc) once every other week. If you do not complete these bi-weekly shifts, you must make them up, or you will have your membership revoked.

Scenario 1: (vegan/lesbian behind register): I will NOT scan this chicken, i do NOT touch meat. You do it, or I won't sell it to you.

Scenario 2: I hate that damn Food Coop, who do these people think they are? Next week, I'm going to Key Food!

Scenario 3: Hey Josh, guess whose mother i saw at The Coop this afternoon? I can't believe Ari did so and so, he's just growing up so fast! His mom and I are getting coffee at Connecticut Muffin on Monday after I drop you off at 321! What a wonderful woman!


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