
What is Foodie?


A person that spends a keen amount of attention and energy on knowing the ingredients of food, the proper preparation of food, and finds great enjoyment in top-notch ingredients and exemplary preparation.

A foodie is not necessarily a food snob, only enjoying delicacies and/or food items difficult to obtain and/or expensive foods; though, that is a variety of foodie.

Because he was a foodie, he liked to collect menus from restaurants which prepared food he enjoyed.


A dumbed-down term used by corporate marketing forces to infantilize and increase consumerism in an increasingly simple-minded American magazine reading audience. The addition of the long "e" sound on the end of a common word is used to create the sensation of being part of a group in isolationist urban society, while also feminizing the term to subconsciously foster submission to ever-present market sources.

Though the terms "gastronome" and "epicure" define the same thing, i.e. a person who enjoys food for pleasure, these words are perceived by the modern American consumer as elitist due to their latin root forms and polysyllabic pronunciations.

Also spelled "foody"

This newest repackaging of Third World derived ingredients in the latest Trader Joe's product is ever so delicious and different, it's really made for all you foodies out there to BUY NOW!

See foody, food, eat, restaurant, stoic, foodies


A proletarian or member of the middle class who occasionally eats quality food, often of the type enjoyed by the higher classes but sometimes "exotic" food of foreign lands. What the foodie calls "gourmet," the upper class or upper middle class will simply call "food." Foodies often enjoy displaying their knowledge of food, which they must acquire since they must prepare it themselves, not having the finanical means to regularly have others prepare it for them.

The foodie pushed aside his TV dinners and bagged corn crisps to make way for the newly-bought fresh produce; tonight, after four hours of preparation, he will dine like a celebrity.

See foody, gourmet, bon vivant, chef


A fat kid pretentious enough to think up a special word to describe their desperate longing for anything to shove down their face. They'll often claim to be "food enthusiasts" or to have "refined tastes," but they're usually lying.

"I got tired of telling people I had a 'glandular problem,' so I decided to start calling myself a foodie instead. It frees me of those negative connotations and leaves me to be become as lardy as I see fit."

-- You

See fat, foody, food, fatass, condescending, pretentious


A foodie is Someone who THINKS they know something about food and the science of cooking. Or even the restaurant industry. Not knowing that cook who just sent out their Precious "Seared Ahi with Lemon Pepper Crotch Crickets en Crote" just got a BJ in the walk-in from your waitress. Who took your order with dick on her breath I might add. Also the reason she's perky tonite is not because she likes her job it's the COKE.

My! my! my! Ethel. Aren't these Dingle Berries a la Supreme Fantastic! Yes Chandler and my Tube Steak Terrine is Fab! C'est Manifique! It's great being a foodie isn't it!

See wannabes, tools


Someone who has experience in the restaurant business, whether front of the house or back of the house. Only a foodie would know what the hell that meant. A foodie is very familiar with all aspects of a restaurant. Tends to stay in the business for a majority of their life. (excludes college students just in the restaurant business to get them through their schooling)

Once a foodie, always a foodie!

See cook, server, busser, chef, manager


A politically correct term for a fat person.

My Aunt Rhonda sure is a foodie

See fatso, tank, tubby, fat, fatty


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