
What is Foopalooting?


this is NOT the correct word for this practice. The correct word is MUNG. Yes it is the act of munging. Get your shit straight

I went munging last night and had to eat most of her large intestine.

See bob


This is known as Munging in some circles

By eating the excretion from the dead womans vagina, Dennis verified all of his friends beliefs that he was a real Munger.

See TK


Go see "munging". Thats the correct word for this disgusting act.

No example needed if you read the others.

See jonny


an incorrect word, see definition of mumphing

foopalooting is a madeup word, mumphing is what your talking about

See hawk


WARNING: Vile content ahead! Foopalooting describes necrophiliac activity that involves the following: exhuming a freshly buried female body and jumping up and down on the dead body's stomach. Whatever comes out of the vaginal area is then eaten with a spoon. One who engages in such heinous acts is known as a foopalooter.

Teddy is a sick bastard - he was at the graveyard last night for 3 hours foopalooting that chick that died a couple weeks back.


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