What is Foos?
An english student teacher, whos coolness overwhelms all.
What the foos?
Go ask foos.
Its Foos!
So you know that foos...
Abreviated version of american rock band
The Foos are over-rated
theyre not over rated you emo b*stard! you probably think fall out boy and My chemical romance are good, well F*CK YOU! Dave Grohl is a true guitar hero. FOO FIGHTERS SAVING ROCK FROM THE EMO F*UCKHEADS
A random object. Easily intertwined where the speaker is too lazy to insert the correct noun
"Just throw that foos anywhere"
"WTF is all this foos?"
"Throw me a porn mag and some foos"
"Don't make me kick u in the foos!"
"Where did I leave all my foos?"
"Goddamn foos!"
"Mmmm this is some tasty foos!"
Foos is short for Table Football..
"hey Joon, wanna do some foos?!", "your sure good at your five man foos hassle!!!"
An IRC Spammer
/kick him...he's a Foo's
a) Multiple of foo. See
b) Dave Grohl's over-rated
Hannibal, wat dees foos talkin
jibba jabba bout? Crazyfoo Murdock in ma van!
"The foos smoke monkey dong"