
What is Force?


force (verb) ed, ing, es: taking it to an extreme killing it taking it too far

She really forced it by wearing that ugly skirt

He forced it giving us mad (a lot) homework

See killed it, too much, over, kill


An energy field created by all

living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together.

"The Force is strong with this one."

See gerhard


Force = Mass X Acceleration in a linear system. The units of force are kilogram meter per second squared or newtons.

Given that a due to gravity on earth is equal to 9.8 m/s^2 in an MKS system, calculate the force due to gravity on a 100 kg man. The answer is 980 N.


1. when someone is trying to hard to make a joke

2. or when someone asks you to do something and you dont want to do it.

josh: Knock knock

Kimball: one uses knock knock jokes anymore

Josh: Could you tell me a joke so I can be funny?

Kimball: wow...force..DUB FORCE

See kill, no, check, gay, stupid


n. a slang term that refers to the police FORCE.

"I probably owe it to y'all,

prolly be locked by the FORCE/

tryin to hustle some things,

there he go with the porsche/"

- Jay-Z "Dirt Off Ya Shoulders"

See 50, alphabet boys, fuzz, jake, pigs


A power of some sort that only Jedi's can control.

Luke- I don't feel it...

Obi Won- yea, you can...just go with the feeling...

Luke- what feeling?

Obi Won- the one in your pants...

Only Jedi's can control this force.

See jedi, luke, skywalker, hot topic


1. A physical exertion on something.

2. The living field of energy, from Star Wars. Some people are stronger in it than others, mainly Jedi or Sith. The Sith are better. (Don't ask me how midi-chlorians come into this, at all.)

3. What I usually have to do in order to get the shit out of my ass.

1. They had to force the door open when I locked them out.

2. If you're a Sith, you get to shoot freakin' Force lightning out of your hands. COOL!

3. Use the FOOOOOOOOOORCE! *grunts*

See Cortana Dragoon


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