Ford F-150

What is Ford F-150?


A truck for wussymen,whose dicks are the size of a 3 year old boys.

Also driven by fatretared wussy men and retarded dumb fat bitches talking on cell phones talking about how they should go to the gym one of these days while they gorge themselves on fast food. These evil assholes who put us all in danger with their looser mobiles also like to live in delusional world where they think some looser mobile makes them tough, while they can't run one block or do a set of reps with a 5lb weight.

Joe the small dicked looser was headed to the gym ,a place he had not seen in months, in his Ford F-150, until he saw a McDonalds and turned around and went their to make sure he would not have to be able to see his small dick beyond his fatty overhang.

See looser, fat, retarded, ford, piece of crap, truck, redneck


A truck for men, not boys.

Brad: Man I just got an F-150!

Timmy: Well I just got a honda accord!

Brad: Oh that's nice.... haha not!

See Oz


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