Format C:\

What is Format C:\?


Format C: or Format C: is a command in MS-DOS. When you type this command, the C drive of your Hard Drive will be reformatted (to FAT32), meaning that all its entry will be deleted. No virus, program or data can survive this deleting process, unless you can back up the file. If you got this from someone, first of all, know that this person has been working with computers for a fairly long time. Second, is the meaning of this phrase; It means "everything that I remember from you is gone". It can be in a good way, like deleting all the bad memories, and it can also be in a bad way, of deleting all the good memories. Since drive C usually carries the temporary data, it can also mean "the recent memories are deleted". That could be stuff that you load into your head for a test in a single day.

But dont use it in your daily life, this is not really a common phrase and is usually used by computer nerds. This is just for you to understand the meaning and the concept of the usage of this word.

Example 1:

- lets start over again :) heh

- Format C:

Example 2:

-Ah man I memorized the whole book for today's test. i guess imma do ok.

-heh,, what was the answer for number two?

-I dunno, not anymore.

-heh, how come?

-'cause when Im done taking the test, I just go like..."Format C:"!... I just forget about everything I memorized so I can get ready for the next test.

-you kiddin?!

-I swear!


See forget, delete


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